We are Millennials and we've had enough.
We've had enough of endless wars that our government always seems to get us involved in. Who decided America is the world's police anyway? Do you think that terrorists hate us so much because we are constantly fighting wars in their home land?
We've had enough of the brutal job market. We don't want to work as a bartender forever, but when no one is hiring, what do you expect us to do?
We've had enough of the ever expanding police state. Why are militarized vehicles and full riot gear needed in suburban America?
We've had enough of police brutality. We expect the police to be held to the same standards and accountability as the rest of us, and stop living above the law.
We've had enough of the polarizing, biased media. It's no secret that the media has become more and more of a propaganda machine and less of a means of providing accountability in government.
We've had enough of the runaway national debt. Who do you think is going to be responsible for paying back 18 trillion dollars (and counting)?
We've had enough of the rising costs of college education and the endless amount of student loan debt. You told us we can't get a job without a college degree, but getting a college degree requires decades of debt.
We've had enough of intolerance and racism. We just want everyone to be treated equally despite one's race, gender, sexual preferences, religion, or nationality. Intolerance isn't something that we're born with -- it's something we learn from those who raise us.
We've had enough of government spying. You can have all our texts, emails, and Facebook messages if we can read all your government emails. Deal?
We've had enough of career politicians. Congress maintains a terrible approval rating, but somehow incumbents almost always win re-election. Perhaps it's time for a new voice.
We've had enough of money in politics. Millions of dollars are spent campaigning for a job that pays around $170k. Our "representation" consists of about five hundred rich and powerful politicians that claim they want to help the middle and lower classes but nothing ever seems to improve.
We've had enough of our opinions being ignored. Who do you think is responsible for all the problems we experience today? The older generations own the current state of America whether they want to admit it or not. Now we are the ones paying for their mistakes. We are the ones trying to build a life during a recession. We are the ones who will be responsible for fixing the problems caused after forty years of bad decisions. And anytime we try to speak up and make our voices heard, we are ignored because we're younger than the people with all the money and power.
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