Student Loans. Just another issue that our government gets to play politics with.
So Elizabeth Warren decides she wants to do something great for the country. She proposes a bill that will allow young adults with student loans re-negotiate for cheaper interest rates. You see, back in the early 2000's, interest rates were 7-9%. So of course it makes perfect sense for these now young adults to take advantage of the low interest rates of today. And this would truly help put money back into the hands of the young generations that are working hard to succeed. These are the people that are becoming the leaders of our country. I admire what Elizabeth Warren is trying to do.
Except none of that is true.
Do you know what happens in November? Mid-Term elections happen in November. And the forecast for the Democrats does not look good. So instead of finding ways to drive up the public's perception of Democrats, they've decided to try to drive down the perception of Republicans.
This bill failed to make it through the Senate. It needed 60 votes to overcome a Republican filibuster, and it only received 56. Aww shucks. I'm sure the Democrats are so upset. I guess we get to blame those darned Republicans now!
So think about what the people in this country want. We want Congress to pass a law that causes them to make less money. These student loans are owned by the government, and they are profiting off of the high interest rates. It would be a monumental task to successfully get our government to agree to make less money. The last thing they are willing to do is to give up money or power.
So Elizabeth Warren decides to find a way to offset the profits -- the profits that are coming directly from the college educated lower/middle class -- by taxing the rich. Sounds great in theory, doesn't it? Let's make those evil people who are successful pay the government more money, so young adults can save a bit of money on their student loan debt. Great idea Elizabeth.
Every Democrat in the country knows that "taxing the rich" will never be something Republicans vote for. In general, the rich support Republicans. Those Republicans are not going to risk losing their financial supporters. So they will never vote against their personal interest, despite the fact that the country would benefit greatly. If Elizabeth Warren truly wanted to do something great for this country, she would have sat down with the Republicans and negotiated cuts that everyone can be happy with. That's what any good politician would do if they were honestly interested in helping America. But Republicans and Democrats aren't interested in helping America. They just want to win their next election.
ReplyDeleteSo what is the point in having a congress when this happens?
All this does is push the debt down the road so it takes even longer to pay it off. So the owner of the debt makes more money off the interest. AKA the government makes a larger profit off the American people.